First Things first 

So this is completely new to me but then again there are so many things that are new to me this year.

1) Being a new mom at 27 is definitely hard! . In my opinion there are too many pre conceived notions of how people should look, act, feel. If there is one thing I learned from this past year it is… NEVER, I mean NEVER judge a book (or a person) by its cover. Yes, I’ve done it and I hate to admit it because I was always the first to preach that we should never judge others before we get to know them, but I always did it (secretly). Now I’m fine with saying I don’t know anything about anyone until I’ve taken the time to talk to them in order to get to know them. So what I’m really saying is… When you see me walking down the street looking like a total mess… Have some pity, I have a baby and I’m lucky if I got a shower in.

On another note, Is it just me or do you also see  all the moms with their huge smiles and perfect hair. I have to think to myself… “Does your child get sick, fuss and cry all day? How do you get a full nights sleep? What are your secrets? Give me some answers… please!” Ok, ok, it’s not so tough all the time… I do enjoy the smiles, the hugs and all the firsts. Those are the wonderful little extraordinary moments in our ordinary day.

So why am i starting this blog… well being at home with my daughter and watching maybe WAY too many TED talks on youtube got me thinking. I decided that I wanted to start actually living my life not sitting and waiting for it to happen. I want to be able to share stories with my daughter of things I’ve accomplished so she can reflect and know that she can accomplish them too. Many of us tell our children, “live your dream, Do what makes you Happy, experience life”. How many of us actually do what we say to do? If we are all products of our environments then it’s safe to say I need to show my child what living your life means by actions not just words. I want to be the example that my daughter follows. She will pursue her dreams without reservations because she will one day reflect and think , “If my mom did it, then I can do it too.”

Yes easier said then done but this is my first attempt… I’ve always wanted to start a blog and now I have. Step one accomplished. 🙂

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